Hawk watch platform at Cape May Point State Park
Let's just say that it took a few days for things to get going at Cape May... Friday was a wet mess and basically a bust bird-wise. Saturday was equally wet and dreary, but cleared up nicely in the afternoon. And Sunday was a stellar full-on Cape May experience. In addition to the good birding,
Beth and I got to meet some cool fellow bloggers and birders. Here are some highlights and lowlights:
THE Bird Show, as they call the vendor exhibits there, was an awesome time. It featured some great industry representation, some amazing artists and carvers, and a really cool live raptor exhibit. We met up with
Birdchick and Wildbird on the Fly working there, as well as the
Born Again Birdwatcher schmoozing with some old friends. I passed out some blog business cards too!
"Birds and Beers," our evening of drinking and socializing, was a blast. We hung with birders, many bloggers, and industry reps. Conversation ranged from birding to blogging to cats to eco-living to publishing... a little bit of everything. Good beer selection too. I can't wait to do this again.
The Sunday birding was amazing! There were raptors everywhere, hundreds of short-distance migrants, and gorgeous weather. I got to bird with
Susan, and
Susan. Beth and I even took some time to taste wine at the Cape May Winery. We finished up the day with a Red Crossbill at a feeder near Middle Township, NJ. That was my 298th state bird.

On a lowlight side... We got soaked a few times. Also, my pal Mike from
10,000 Birds didn't get to feel the full Cape May experience that I previously "sold" to him since he was only able to stay until Saturday (and the birding stunk until Sunday). Hopefully next year will be better weather-wise!
I'm psyched to do this all again next year. I'm going to try my best to get a trip leader position there for next year, but we'll see how that works out. It was great meeting everyone and I hope to meet some more bloggers next year (you know who you all are!)