These late winter warm spells like we're having today bring out what is typically the first butterfly seen each year in NJ - the
Mourning Cloak. I saw one zip by today as I was walking up the sidewalk of our house (a very common view of this species). It is a gorgeous butterfly when seen from above with its yellowish trim accented by blue dots. When its wings are closed, it's cryptic as can be. One could land on a loose-barked tree like a Shagbark Hickory, wings folded, and you'd have a tough time finding it.
So why is this usually the first butterfly seen in NJ? Unlike many species, it hibernates throughout the colder months as an adult, hiding under loose bark, in debris piles, or anywhere it can find a nice dark place. On the list of the first signs of spring, seeing Mourning Cloaks is right up there with crocuses, phoebes, Red-winged Blackbirds, and all of your other favorites. Have you seen one yet this year?