Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm not dead and I love puffins

Dearest readers, I am not dead although I know it's been days since I posted anything substantial. I've been working my tush off at my job. I'm on a huge project that is insanely complex and keeps me very busy. In any event, to temporarily satiate your insatiable desire for my writing and pictures (hehe), here is an awful picture of two Tufted Puffins from Cannon Beach, Oregon. Lifer!


Anonymous said...

Good, from the title and the RSS feed . . . . I thought you were going to tell us you were a smoker!

Susan Gets Native said...

Come on, Patrick. We all KNOW those are pigeons.

(Glad to know that you aren't dead.)

Anonymous said...

Hi Patrick,

My name is Nick Papadopoulos. I live in Santa Rosa, CA. I recently found your site after searching for "bird wine labels" and was excited to find your great collection of photos.


Note: I am also an Oregonian so your pictures of your recent trip pics and writing hit home for me.

My reason for writing is that ~3 weeks ago there was an article in our regional paper "Burning Hawk Starts Vineyard Fire" that caught my attention:


In this article I learned that a local raptor was electrocuted in the power lines and fell to the ground, starting a vineyard fire. I was saddened by this event and struck by the online commentary that followed. It seemed appropriate that someone should make a wine label devoted to the legacy of this bird and share proceeds to help organizations who are working to address the issue of bird/powerline interaction and or bird conservation or recovery causes.

One of the organizations I have learned of www.aplic.org where they have a 200+ page manual devoted to this specific issue of bird/powerline interaction. I was shocked to learn that something like 174mm birds die each year after being electrocuted or flying into powerlines. But it’s also hopeful that many organizations and individuals are working to address this mammoth issue.

In the last 3 weeks an amazing array of volunteers, business owners, wine brands, web gurus, environmentalists have been helping and urging this initiative forward and it looks like this vision is going to come into reality. I am thinking of calling this wine Burning Hawk and use the label to highight the original story, the issue and how those who drink the wine are making a difference.

I am not a birder or ornithologist nor do I know too much about wine (I like to flyfish and am getting into kayaking). But I do care a great deal about environmental and sustainability issues.

Since you have similar interests I thought I'd reach out. Any ideas, input or questions would be greatly appreciated. Good luck with your project! Sounds like a doozy.

Thanks much,


Patrick B. said...

Hi Nick,

Thanks for bringing this news story to my attention. I am aware of the negative effects of power lines on birds and it's amazing to hear about your new initiative. I have no specific ideas, but would be willing to help in any way.

I did pick up a bunch of new bird labels in Oregon and I'll post some new ones shortly.

Anonymous said...

Thanks much for your interest and encouragement. I will keep you posted on progress and hopefully (fingers crossed)the Burning Hawk label will be in your gallery soon.

Looking forward to seeing the next round of images from your Oregon adventure.


Anonymous said...

So should we assume that you are dead now? It's been awhile again...
