Saturday, December 06, 2008

Quiz bird

What is it? Taken today in New Jersey. Post your answer in the comments.


Anonymous said...

Yellow Rail?

Unknown said...

Ruffed grouse?

Anonymous said...


Larry said...

The last time I took a guess on a photo I guessed a Ruby-crowned Kinglet when it was actually a Hutton's Vireo which I had actually never even heard of.My first thought was grouse bt it doesn't seem to have much of a tail and it has a big Schnoz-So I'll go with Sora even though I've never seen one.

Patrick B. said...

No correct answers yet, but one is close. I'll give you a clue... this bird seems to be missing something.

Larry said...

Missing the tail?

Anonymous said...

Can I change to a hen pheasant missing a tail?

Patrick B. said...

Ding ding ding!