Scotts Bird Seed Commercial
Wow, I never thought I'd see a commercial for bird seed on TV, but I just did! Scotts' new commercial claims you'll get twice as many Indigo Buntings!
Dedicated to birding, bugs, plants and other random nature stuff.
Wow, I never thought I'd see a commercial for bird seed on TV, but I just did! Scotts' new commercial claims you'll get twice as many Indigo Buntings!
Posted by
Patrick B.
5:57 PM
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Did he have to wear that classic birder's vest so we'd believe he was a birder? I think Birdchick is trying to stamp out those vests. Wait til she spots it!
Twice as many Indigo Buntings? Wow! Multiplying the number of Indigo Buntings I now get here in NW Oregon would give me... zero, so I guess it would work for me as advertised.
On the subject of vests, am I, as a proudly vested member of the field glass tribe, going to need to form the Bird Watching Vest Defense League? Our motto could be "Go vested or go home."
John stole my line. I get zero buntings, so zero times 2 is.....ZERO.
Wait. Isn't Scott's one of those companies who come and spray your lawn with poisons? Kill off all of the insects?
Yeah. That's really bird-friendly.
And that man needs acting lessons. And to lose the vest.
*Susan. Who has YET to wear a vest of any fashion.*
: )
You may need a kevlar liner for that vest there, John.
A single Indigo Bunting would be an extraordinary increase at the feeders I'm accustomed to watching.
Scott's logo butterfly on their trucks is a chemical mutant swallowtail/monarch!
A hardy cheers to fashionable birders!
That is funny, I never seen one either. Anna :)
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