Like any good lover of a specific thing, we have a variety of ornaments related to that thing. For people who love hippos, they end up with lots of hippo ornaments. For people who like birds, it's bird ornaments. Here are some highlights of the ones on our tree.

We have two shown here. The Pileated Woodpecker is by Marcia Poling. They sell these at the NJ Audubon stores here in NJ. She does all sorts of birds, very detailed. The one on the right is a birding birder!

My aunt gave me a whole set of these Lenox birds for a housewarming gift. They are pretty authentic. I also have a Blue Jay, GC Kinglet, RB Nuthatch, Tufted Titmouse, a Junco, and a few others.

Beth got me this one a few years back. It's Santa the Birder!

I have a set of three of these birdwatching S'Mores ornaments. One is holding a field guide and the other has a little camera.

This was a gift from my sister-in-law and brother. It's a neat owl made out of natural materials.

I think Bet's grandmother got us this one.

Our tree is covered in ornaments that we get on vacations. We get one or more on every trip. This was from Kennebunkport, Maine.

The S'Mores cameraman.

A random chickadee.
That's it. There are a few more on the tree, but these are the highlights.
I have a separate little tree with just bird ornaments. I love your little smooching penguins and the cardinal pair perched together.
We do happen to have an extra fake tree in the basement... hmm...
Nice collection. I like the pileated woodpecker best! Especially, since we have a pair that frequent our yard.
Vickie, I wish I had one of those in my yard!
Lovely tree and ornaments....another vote for the Pileated Woodpecker - my fave!
I've always loved tree ornaments that reflect their owners personalities and interests - so much more meaningful than plain colored baubles!
Merry Christmas!
Love the bird ornaments. I usually use them on packages instead of bows -- since I didn't get the "tie a nice bow" gene.
Fun to see you on Facebook too.
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