Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm still alive... and some news

Hey all, I've been a bit lax in posts. Our wedding is two weeks away so we're in major wedding planning mode. The honeymoon details are still being worked out. I became an uncle this week of two beautiful little twin girls! Three of my friends also had babies in the last 10 days. Craziness! So stay tuned for more nature-related posts when things tone down a bit.


P. Ollig said...

good luck on your big day! and don't worry. I'm sure Beth will show up. ;-)

LauraHinNJ said...

Congrats on all accounts, Patrick!

elizabird said...

sweet sweet sweet
best of luck.

Owlman said...

Two weeks - WOW! When are you heading off to Oz?

Larry said...

Your still not married yet? Best of luck and congratulations!

Patrick B. said...

We'll be off to Oz on Saturday night, 9/27 and then back on 10/13.