Bathroom Bird ID Quiz
I've had these bird postcards hanging in my bathroom for about 5 years now. I bought them at Ikea when I was first decorating the house. I bought them mostly because they had birds on them, but also because they went with the neutral beige theme of my wonderful artful decorative eye. This was before Beth was in my life to add any feminine touch to the decor. Over the years, I've stared at them as I've been busy doing other things. I never realized that they would make a good bird quiz. So here they are, make your best guesses in the comments. To be honest, I'm not even positive on the IDs, but I have good guesses.

I'll go with Common Snipe, Curlew Sandpiper, and Bar-tailed Godwit. They're not exact matches, but there seems to be a European bird theme to this group.
I think John is on to something. The writing is all in French.
Hi Patrick B. This is off topic, but I hope you can help me. I want to use and show blogspot, but I want my domain name showing in the address bar. How did you do this? I tried the blogger publishing feature, but it did the exact opposite of what I want - showing my domain and not my blog. Thanks for any help you can provide.
You have to connect your domain name to blogger. Google "blogger domain name" and you should find detailed instructions. There are steps you need to perform in blogger and steps within your domain setup. I hope that helps.
Yup, that's what I tried and got the opposite effect of what I want. I'll try again. Thanks.
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