Friday, February 27, 2009
Home town gull
Sorry for the lack of posts folks. Life's been busy!
I got a note that an Iceland Gull was found at Spring Lake Park in South Plainfield, NJ. This is the town I grew up in. My high school was right behind this park and I spent many horrible hours running around that park for our "mile test." Ugh. The lake itself has always been covered in Canada Geese and FULL of goose turds. I was shocked to hear about an Iceland Gull being there. I can't imagine what there is to eat there besides trash. The only interesting bird I ever saw at Spring Lake was a banded Snow Goose that was likely injured. I'll have to find the banding report I got and post it here. It goes to show you that you never know what you'll find! Maybe it'll be the Patagonia Picnic Table Effect and a Ross's Gull will swoop in.
I'm going to try to swing by the lake tomorrow to get a glimpse of this bird.
Posted by
Patrick B.
1:19 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Loud Squawking Crow Forces FAA To Ground All Flights Indefinitely
Posted by
Patrick B.
8:33 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009
Leaf-footed Bug ID Needed
Beth found this Leaf-footed Bug sitting on our window sill today. It's about 20 degrees outside and has been cold since a warm spell in early February. I wonder how it got in and I wonder what its story is. Anyone know the species? I posted an ID request to which is usually a quick way to an answer.
UPDATE: Thanks to Nuthatch for IDing it as a Western Conifer Seed Bug. Funny because I IDed one of these for someone else last year! They are native to the Pacific Northwest but have undergone a tremendous range expansion into the northeast. It's unknown if it's natural or human-assisted. In general, it is considered a pest, but a cool-looking pest in my opinion.
Posted by
Patrick B.
9:38 PM
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Some silliness
I swear this was sent to me and I didn't find it myself. From icanhascheezburger:
Posted by
Patrick B.
7:58 PM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
NJ Great Backyard Bird Count Notes
Well, the Great Backyard Bird Count has more or less come to an end. Please continue entering your sightings if you haven't already. As the count reviewer in NJ, I get to see some interesting observations. Here are some highlights from this year here in NJ:
- 160 species recorded. We had 163 last year. Someone counted the Monk Parakeets in Edgewater which wasn't done the last 2 years.
- Tons of Pine Siskins all over the state (except in MY yard!)
- 81 White-winged Crossbills - definitely a record in the years recorded online. The previous high count was 4!
- A well-known birder found an Atlantic Puffin from Barnegat Light State Park - pretty cool!
- Other rarities included Cackling Goose, Eurasian Wigeon, Barrow's Goldeneye, Eared Grebe, American Bittern, Black-headed Gull, Glaucous Gull, Rufous Hummingbird, and Bohemian Waxwing
- Last year NJ was #1 in individual birds thanks to some BIG counts of Snow Geese in south Jersey. This year, we are #8. Those same counts of Snow Geese were not reported this year.
- Six species of owls including Snowy
- As opposed to past years, several of the "Red-headed Woodpecker" sightings turned out to actually be Red-headed Woodpeckers!
- Someone reported a Northern Goshawk, which is always a nice find in winter. I emailed the person to confirm it. Sure enough, she sent me pics of a gorgeous adult bird from her yard.
- Several sightings of Baltimore Orioles - one person told me how they love to feed it grape jelly all year long. Wintering Baltimore Orioles at feeders are an annual occurrence. You never know when one might be a Bullock's and the viewer just doesn't know better.
- Personally, I had seen a Belted Kingfisher in the retention pond near my house the last 2 years. No luck this year.
Fun times! Thanks to everyone who participated. What observations did you make about your state?
Posted by
Patrick B.
10:46 AM
Monday, February 16, 2009
Siskins (not at my feeder)

Posted by
Patrick B.
7:45 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Leucistic Kestrel
Check out this photo of a leucistic American Kestrel from Arizona.
Definition of leucism vs. albinism here.
Posted by
Patrick B.
9:05 AM
Friday, February 13, 2009
My V-day Gift from Beth
Posted by
Patrick B.
8:21 PM
Get out there and count!
Today is the start of The Great Backyard Bird Count! Get out there and begin counting! Bringing out the trash this morning, I already had 2 Turkey Vultures, 2 American Crows, 2 American Robins, and 1 American Goldfinch fly over my house. I don't usually see Vultures directly over my house, especially not at 7:30 AM.
And remember, your counting doesn't necessarily have to be in your yard. It can be in a park, refuge, or wherever. Even if you don't know all the birds, count the ones you do know. But don't guess at the ones you don't! It makes the job of the state reviewer (like me) more difficult.
Most importantly, have fun!
Posted by
Patrick B.
8:12 AM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Monday, February 09, 2009
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Funny blog post title
The title of this blog post caught me by surprise in my Google Reader. Then I realized it belonged to Serious Eats and it wasn't one of N8's taxidermy posts. Actually, it's kind of a gross post regardless of whether it's food related or bird related.
Posted by
Patrick B.
8:40 PM
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Cumberland County Eagle Festival this weekend!
If you're local and not busy on Saturday, head down to Cumberland County, NJ for the Winter Eagle Festival. I will be the on-site naturalist at Beaver Dam from 10-11:30 and at Turkey Point from 1:00-5:00. It's a great opportunity to view not only Bald Eagles, but thousands of Snow Geese, lots of Harriers, and Short-eared Owls. It's supposed to be a gorgeous day weather-wise too. Hope to see you there!
Posted by
Patrick B.
3:47 PM
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Tripod Head Question
Has anyone experimented with using a grip ball head like this one on their scope tripod instead of the standard tripod heads out there? I'll admit, I don't even know if it would fit on my tripod and I don't know much about tripods. It looks like it would make finding and locking on a bird easier, but may make scanning more difficult.
Posted by
Patrick B.
12:08 PM
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Two "state bird" day

Rough-legged Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk
Posted by
Patrick B.
6:13 PM